I am a maker of things. I am a story teller. My work always begins as a series of questions I ask myself, and as such, always begins with words on paper.
What begins as a philosophically based internal conversation slowly develops into a more cohesive and substantive narrative. As the narrative progresses, the ideas begin to make their leap into the realm of iconography and symbolism. The visual components of my work begin to take shape at this stage.
Looking across the Playa at Burning Man 2016.
Eventually I find myself with a set of images and the underlying narrative that form the beginning of my solution to the original problem, or set of problems. I take this base level of ingredients and begin to explore materials and techniques that fit the themes I am attempting to undertake. Once this component presents itself, I move into the creator's space and go to work manifesting the physical reflection of the solution.
My work changes often as the nature of my questions change. I look at each medium as a potential candidate to solve whatever it is I am attempting to solve. Often times it is sculpture, other times it might be painting, mixed media, digital media, video, spatial design, user interface design, graphic design, illustration, or installation. I do not restrict myself to one form of output but leave myself open to any viable alternative.
I focus throughout on the process. In the process I find what I am looking for. And then I begin again. My next series is currently underway. Always.